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Good news: For those who have received the smallpox vaccine previously - or who have had it before - you are highly immune to monkeypox infection

 Good news

Good news for everyone who previously took the smallpox vaccine, which was announced to be eradicated from the world in 1980. If or have had smallpox before, you are immune to monkeypox by as much as 85%.

This is the opinion of the top doctors in the world, taking into account the necessary precautions to prevent this new epidemic virus.

But what is the reason for that? (Good news for those receiving the smallpox vaccine)

As doctors and geneticists say, the genome similarity between monkeypox and human smallpox is 96.3 percent, so those who have had smallpox before or have received the vaccine. They have formed T-immune cells and antibodies, which attack the monkeypox virus if it enters the body.

Therefore, the vaccination that you received before may greatly benefit you in protecting against monkeypox. But a person may need a booster dose of the human smallpox vaccine in the event the epidemic spreads in his residential surroundings.

Prevention is better than cure (good news for those receiving the smallpox vaccine)

A phrase that we used to use without checking it, but it is a one hundred percent correct phrase, and an ounce of prevention is better than a thousand dinars of treatment.

 you are highly immune to monkeypox infection

Because prevention means that you are conducting a preemptive war against various epidemics.

To prevent monkeypox, you should do the following

1-    Make sure that you have had the human pox vaccine before. Or you may have had it. Otherwise, you must go to the nearest center for the serum and the vaccine and take the appropriate dose.

2-    Maintain personal hygiene.

3-    Not to come into direct contact with those infected with monkeypox.

4-    Wearing masks when approaching an infected person, such as medical staff.

5-    Disinfecting homes with disinfectants that have proven to eliminate the virus.

Finally: Take the reasons - “God is the best preserver, and he is the most merciful of the merciful.”
