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Lack of genocidal intent

 Lack of genocidal intent

When you trap people in an open prison for nearly seventeen years.

This is definitely not considered genocide!!!!!

When an area is hit with missiles day and night for more than 100 days without warning anyone, this of course is not considered genocide.

When you announce that people will move to the south, where the safe zone is, the people will move to the south based on your words. Then it bombs them in the area it declared safe. This is not considered genocide.

And when you besiege people for more than a hundred days, deprive them of food, medicine, and fuel, and destroy and demolish their homes, and kill them and their children, to the point that you almost killed and displaced 0.005 of the population of this country, this of course is not considered genocide.

When civilians raise white flags as they move to the areas that you declared to be a safe zone, you bombard them with snipers.

You even killed prisoners of your own who were raising white flags because you believed that they followed the other.

All of this is not considered genocide.

And when you storm homes, as happened when your soldiers stormed a house and then shot one of the young men in front of his mother, and when she fell next to him, you did not have mercy on her, but rather lifted her and lifted her clothes without regard for any kind of humanity.

When you took prisoners and returned them dead, their important bodily organs were stolen from them.

This also cannot be an intention for genocide.

When you bomb schools that are shelters for refugees, when you bomb hospitals and besiege them, and when you shoot everyone who moves around the besieged areas.

When you kill journalists and media professionals and target their families to obscure the truth. This, of course, is not considered a collective act.

Certainly, if I were to enumerate to you all your crimes, neither an article nor a book would be enough for me, but all of this cannot be with the intention of genocide.

At the end of this short article, do I hope that I,,s,,rael will tell us when and how genocide will take place in Ga,,za?
